Longest Increasing Subsequence
Authors: Michael Cao, Benjamin Qi, Andi Qu, Andrew Wang
Contributors: Dong Liu, Siyong Huang, Aryansh Shrivastava, Kevin Sheng
Finding and using the longest increasing subsequence of an array.
Resources | |||||
cp-algo | A comprehensive guide (covers almost everything here) |
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
In this tutorial, let be the array we want to find the LIS for.
Slow Solution
Time Complexity:
Resources | |||||
CPH | slow solution |
Let be the length of the longest increasing subsequence that ends on . We can then naively compute (and thus the LIS) in time:
#include <vector>using namespace std;int find_lis(const vector<int> &a) {int lis = 0;vector<int> dp(a.size(), 1);for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {if (a[j] < a[i]) { dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j] + 1); }}lis = max(lis, dp[i]);}return lis;}
public static int findLis(int[] a) {int lis = 0;int[] dp = new int[a.length];Arrays.fill(dp, 1);for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {if (a[j] < a[i]) { dp[i] = Math.max(dp[i], dp[j] + 1); }}lis = Math.max(lis, dp[i]);}return lis;}
from typing import Listdef find_lis(a: List[int]) -> int:lis = 0dp = [1] * len(a)for i in range(len(a)):for j in range(i):if a[j] < a[i]:dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j] + 1)lis = max(lis, dp[i])return lis
We can do much better than this though!
Fast Solution
Time Complexity:
Let be an array (0-indexed) where is the smallest element from the first elements of with an increasing sequence of length ending on it (or if there is no such element).
For example, let our array be .
In this case, would be . Some example sequences satisfying these are , , and .
Lemma 1: forms a strictly increasing sequence.
Proof: Assume for a contradiction that for some , we have . Let be any increasing subsequence of length ending on (so ). Notice that is an increasing subsequence of length . Thus, has to be greater than . From that, we can write this equation: , which is exactly what we wanted.
Lemma 2: The length of the LIS ending on is equal to the least index (with 0-indexing) such that .
Proof: Let be defined as it is in the statement. First of all, since , there is an increasing sequence of length ending at , as we can append to the end of the sequence of length . By Lemma 1, is strictly increasing, so for all . This means that there cannot be a LIS ending at longer than .
Lemma 3: At most 1 element differs between and .
Proof: Let be defined as it was in Lemma 2. We need to set to be since . for all , though, since for all and there are no increasing sequences ending on for .
To find and update the described in time, we can use a list with binary search, or we can use a sorted set (as demonstrated in the solution for PCB).
#include <algorithm>#include <vector>using namespace std;int find_lis(const vector<int> &a) {vector<int> dp;for (int i : a) {int pos = lower_bound(dp.begin(), dp.end(), i) - dp.begin();if (pos == dp.size()) {// we can have a new, longer increasing subsequence!
public static int findLis(int[] a) {ArrayList<Integer> dp = new ArrayList<Integer>();for (int i : a) {int pos = Collections.binarySearch(dp, i);pos = pos < 0 ? Math.abs(pos + 1) : pos;if (pos == dp.size()) {// we can have a new, longer increasing subsequence!dp.add(i);} else {// oh ok, at least we can make the ending element smallerdp.set(pos, i);}}return dp.size();}
from typing import Listfrom bisect import bisect_leftdef find_lis(arr: List[int]) -> int:min_endings = []for i in arr:pos = bisect_left(min_endings, i)if pos == len(min_endings): # we can have a new, longer increasing subsequence!min_endings.append(i)else: # oh ok, at least we can make the ending element smallermin_endings[pos] = ireturn len(min_endings)
Fast Solution (RMQ Data Structures)
Time Complexity: , but perhaps a constant factor slower than the previous solution.
Note that the following solution assumes knowledge of a basic PURQ data structure for RMQ (range max query). Suitable implementations include a segment tree or a modified Fenwick tree, but both of these are generally considered Platinum level topics. However, this solution has the advantage of being more intuitive if you're deriving LIS on the spot.
Let be the length of the LIS of that ends with the element . Our base case is obviously (we have an LIS containing only , which has length ). Since LIS exhibits optimal substructure, we transition as follows, processing from left to right (which we must do in order to maintain the property that our subsequence strictly increases in this direction):
If is now a RMQ data structure, the change in is merely a point update, while the calculation of is a range query.
Our final answer is just an RMQ from end to end (or, alternatively, you could keep a running max of the answer in another variable and change it with each update). This method actually gives us the leisure to process online as long as our elements are small enough to be used as indices, or if we use a more advanced data structure such as a sparse segment tree. If we are willing to process offline as we often can, however, we can avoid using a more advanced technique: it suffices to collect the array elements and sort them to coordinate compress, creating with those compressed IDs instead.
The implementation follows:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;Code Snippet: Range Maximum Segment Tree (Click to expand)int find_lis(vector<int> a) {// apply coordinate compression to all elements of the arrayvector<int> sorted(a);sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end());int at = 0;
import java.util.*;public class FindLis {public static int findLis(int[] a) {// apply coordinate compression to all elements of the arrayint[] sorted = a.clone();Arrays.sort(sorted);HashMap<Integer, Integer> coordComp = new HashMap<>();int at = 0;for (int i : sorted) {
from typing import ListCode Snippet: Range Maximum Segment Tree (Click to expand)def find_lis(a: List[int]) -> int:# apply coordinate compression to all elements of the arraysorted_ = sorted(a)coord_comp = {}
Example - PCB
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
This problem asks us to find the minimum number of disjoint sets of non-intersecting segments. This seems quite intimidating, so let's break it up into two parts:
- Finding a set of non-intersecting segments
- Minimizing the number of these sets
Application 1 - Non-intersecting Segments
First, what can we say about two segments and if they intersect (assuming )?
Since these segments are straight, notice how .
This means that a set of non-intersecting segments satisfies for all pairs !
Let be an array where means that the segment with its right endpoint at position has its left endpoint at position .
If we were asked to find the maximum size of a set of non-intersecting segments, the answer would be the LIS of !
Application 2 - Minimum Number of Increasing Sequences
Continuing from application 1, we now want to find the minimum number of increasing subsequences required to cover .
Luckily for us, there's a simple (though not so obvious) solution to this.
Lemma (Easy): The minimum number of increasing subsequences required to cover is at least the size of longest non-increasing subsequence of .
Proof: No two elements of any non-increasing subsequence can be part of the same increasing subsequence.
Claim: The minimum number of increasing subsequences required to cover is equal to the size of longest non-increasing subsequence of !
Wrong Proof 1: See cp-algo (note that this link describes partitioning into non-increasing subsequences rather than increasing subsequences). However, it's not correct because the process of unhooking and reattaching might never terminate. For example, consider partitioning into the non-increasing subsequences and . Then will be moved from the front of to the front of on the first step, back to on the second step, and so on.
Wrong Proof 2: This is essentially the same as the above.
Motivation: Consider the obvious greedy strategy to construct the collection of increasing subsequences (essentially patience sorting). For each element of from left to right, add it to the increasing subsequence with last element less than such that the value of this last element is maximized. If no such increasing subsequence currently exists, then start a new increasing subsequence with .
This algorithm performs exactly the same steps as the algorithm to compute the length of the longest non-increasing subsequence, so it follows that they return the same result.
Proof: Let denote the length of longest non-increasing subsequence ending at . Then the 's satisfying for a fixed are an increasing subsequence for each . So we have covered with (size of longest non-increasing subsequence) increasing subsequences, done.
Do you see why this is equivalent to the sketch?
Alternative Proof: This is just a special case of Dilworth's Theorem. See the inductive proof.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int lis = 0;pair<int, int> a[100000];set<int> s;int main() {iostream::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);
import java.io.*;import java.util.*;class PCB {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));int n = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());TreeMap<Integer, Integer> a =new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(Collections.reverseOrder());for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | ||
CSES | Easy | Show TagsDP | ||||
CF | Easy | Show TagsLIS | ||||
CF | Normal | Show TagsDP, LIS | ||||
Old Gold | Normal | Show TagsDP | ||||
LMiO | Normal | Show TagsDP | ||||
CF | Normal | Show TagsBitmasks, DP | ||||
Baltic OI | Hard | Show TagsDP, Geometry | ||||
CEOI | Hard | Show TagsDP | ||||
JOI | Hard | Show TagsBinary Search, DP, LIS |
The original problem statement for "Matryoshka" is in Japanese. You can find a user-translated version of the problem here.
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