Table of Contents
SubsetsResourcesSolution - Apple DivisionGenerating Subsets RecursivelyGenerating Subsets with BitmasksPermutationsLexicographical OrderSolution - Creating Strings IGenerating Permutations RecursivelyGenerating Permutations Using next_permutationBacktrackingResourcesSolution - Chessboard & QueensBy Generating PermutationsUsing BacktrackingProblemsComplete Search with Recursion
Author: Many
Contributors: Darren Yao, Sam Zhang, Michael Cao, Andrew Wang, Benjamin Qi, Dong Liu, Maggie Liu, Dustin Miao
Harder problems involving iterating through the entire solution space, including those that require generating subsets and permutations.
Table of Contents
SubsetsResourcesSolution - Apple DivisionGenerating Subsets RecursivelyGenerating Subsets with BitmasksPermutationsLexicographical OrderSolution - Creating Strings IGenerating Permutations RecursivelyGenerating Permutations Using next_permutationBacktrackingResourcesSolution - Chessboard & QueensBy Generating PermutationsUsing BacktrackingProblemsWarning!
Although knowledge of recursion is not strictly necessary for Bronze, we think that it makes more sense to include this module as part of Bronze rather than Silver.
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
Resources | |||||
CPH | good explanation + code, no need to repeat |
Solution - Apple Division
Since , we can solve this by trying all possible divisions of apples into two sets and finding the one with the minimum difference in weights. Here are two ways to do this.
Generating Subsets Recursively
The first method would be to write a recursive function which searches over all possibilities.
At some index, we either add to the first set or the second set, storing two sums and with the sum of values in each set.
Then, we return the difference between the two sums once we've reached the end of the array.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;using ll = long long;int n;vector<long long> weights;ll recurse_apples(int index, ll sum1, ll sum2) {// We've added all apples- return the absolute differenceif (index == n) { return abs(sum1 - sum2); }
import*;import java.util.*;public class AppleDivision {static int n;static int[] weights;public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {Kattio io = new Kattio();
n = int(input())weights = list(map(int, input().split()))def recurse_apples(i: int, sum1: int, sum2: int) -> int:# We've added all apples- return the absolute differenceif i == n:return abs(sum2 - sum1)# Try adding the current apple to either the first or second set
Generating Subsets with Bitmasks
You are not expected to know this for Bronze.
A bitmask is an integer whose binary representation is used to represent a subset. In the context of this problem, if the 'th bit is equal to in a particular bitmask, we say the 'th apple is in . If not, we'll say it's in . We can iterate through all subsets if we check all bitmasks ranging from to .
Let's do a quick demo with . These are the integers from to along with their binary representations and the corresponding elements included in . As you can see, all possible subsets are accounted for.
Number | Binary | Apples In |
0 | 000 | |
1 | 001 | |
2 | 010 | |
3 | 011 | |
4 | 100 | |
5 | 101 | |
6 | 110 | |
7 | 111 |
With this concept, we can implement our solution.
You'll notice that our code contains some fancy bitwise operations:
1 << x
for an integer is another way of writing , which, in binary, has only the 'th bit turned on.- The
(AND) operator will take two integers and return a new integer.a & b
for integers and will return a new integer whose th bit is turned on if and only if the 'th bit is turned on for both and . Thus,mask & (1 << x)
will return a positive value only if the 'th bit is turned on in .
If you wanna learn more about them, we have a dedicated module for bitwise operations.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;using ll = long long;int main() {int n;cin >> n;vector<ll> weights(n);for (ll &w : weights) { cin >> w; }
import*;import java.util.*;public class AppleDivision {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {Kattio io = new Kattio();int n = io.nextInt();int[] weights = new int[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { weights[i] = io.nextInt(); }
n = int(input())weights = list(map(int, input().split()))ans = float("inf")for mask in range(1 << n):sum1 = 0sum2 = 0for i in range(n):# Checks if the ith bit is setif mask & (1 << i):
A permutation is a reordering of a list of elements.
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
Lexicographical Order
This term is mentioned quite frequently, ex. in USACO Bronze - Photoshoot.
Think about how are words ordered in a dictionary. (In fact, this is where the term "lexicographical" comes from.)
In dictionaries, you will see that words beginning with the letter a
at the very beginning, followed by words beginning with b
, and so on. If two
words have the same starting letter, the second letter is used to compare them;
if both the first and second letters are the same, then use the third letter to
compare them, and so on until we either reach a letter that is different, or we
reach the end of some word (in this case, the shorter word goes first).
Permutations can be placed into lexicographical order in almost the same way. We first group permutations by their first element; if the first element of two permutations are equal, then we compare them by the second element; if the second element is also equal, then we compare by the third element, and so on.
For example, the permutations of 3 elements, in lexicographical order, are
Notice that the list starts with permutations beginning with 1 (just like a
dictionary that starts with words beginning with a
), followed by those
beginning with 2 and those beginning with 3. Within the same starting element,
the second element is used to make comparisions.
Generally, unless you are specifically asked to find the lexicographically smallest/largest solution, you do not need to worry about whether permutations are being generated in lexicographical order. However, the idea of lexicographical order does appear quite often in programming contest problems, and in a variety of contexts, so it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with its definition.
Some problems will ask for an ordering of elements that satisfies certain conditions. In these problems, if , we can just iterate through all permutations and check each permutation for validity.
Solution - Creating Strings I
Resources | |||||
CPH | brief explanation + code for both of the methods below |
Generating Permutations Recursively
This is just a slight modification of method 1 from CPH.
We'll use the recursive function to find all the permutations of the string . First, keep track of how many of each character there are in . For each function call, add an available character to the current string, and call with that string. When the current string has the same size as , we've found a permutation and can add it to the list of .
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;string s;vector<string> perms;int char_count[26];void search(const string &curr = "") {// We've finished creating a permutationif (curr.size() == s.size()) {
import*;import java.util.*;public class CreatingStrings1 {static String s;static List<String> perms = new ArrayList<String>();static int[] charCount = new int[26];static void search(String curr) {// We've finished creating a permutation
s = input()perms = []char_count = [0] * 26def search(curr: str = ""):# we've finished creating a permutationif len(curr) == len(s):perms.append(curr)return
Generating Permutations Using Resources | |||||
Mark Nelson | explanation with an example |
Alternatively, we can just use the next_permutation()
function. This function
takes in a range and modifies it to the next greater permutation. If there is no
greater permutation, it returns false. To iterate through all permutations,
place it inside a do-while
loop. We are using a do-while
loop here instead
of a typical while
loop because a while
loop would modify the smallest
permutation before we got a chance to process it.
What's going to be in the check
function depends on the problem, but it should
verify whether the current permutation satisfies the constraints given in the
do {check(v); // process or check the current permutation for validity} while (next_permutation(v.begin(), v.end()));
Each call to next_permutation
makes a constant number of swaps on average if
we go through all permutations of size .
One small detail is that you need to sort the string before calling
because the method generates strings in lexicographical
order. If the string isn't sorted, then strings which are lexicographically
smaller than the initial string won't be generated.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main() {string s;cin >> s;sort(s.begin(), s.end());// perms is a sorted list of all the permutations of the given string
Generating Permutations Using Since itertools.permutations
treats elements as unique based on position, not
value, it returns all permutations, with repeats. Putting the returned tuples in
a set can filter out duplicates, and since tuples are returned, we need to join
the characters into a string.
from itertools import permutationss = input()# perms is a sorted list of all the permutations of the given stringperms = sorted(set(permutations(s)))print(len(perms))for perm in perms:print("".join(perm))
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
Resources | |||||
CPH | code and explanation for focus problem | ||||
CP2 | iterative vs recursive complete search |
Solution - Chessboard & Queens
By Generating Permutations
A brute-force solution that checks all possible queen combinations will have over 4 billion arrangements to check, making it too slow.
We have to brute-force a bit smarter: notice that we can directly generate permutations so that no two queens are attacking each other due to being in the same row or column.
Since no two queens can be in the same column, it makes sense to lay one out in each row. It remains to figure out how to vary the rows each queen is in. This can be done by generating all permutations from , with the numbers representing which row each queen is in.
For example, the permutation results in this queen arrangement:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |
0 | Q | |||||||
1 | Q | |||||||
2 | Q | |||||||
3 | Q | |||||||
4 | Q | |||||||
5 | Q | |||||||
6 | Q | |||||||
7 | Q |
Doing this cuts down the number of arrangements we have to check down to a much more managable .
Easier Diagonal Checking
To make the implementation easier, notice that some bottom-left to top-right diagonal can be represented as all squares ( being the row and being the column) such that for some . For example, all squares on the diagonal from to have their coordinates sum to .
Similarly, some bottom-right to top-left diagonal can be represented as the same thing, but with instead of .
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int DIM = 8;int main() {vector<vector<bool>> blocked(DIM, vector<bool>(DIM));for (int r = 0; r < DIM; r++) {string row;cin >> row;
import*;import java.util.*;public class ChessboardQueens {private static final int DIM = 8;private static boolean[][] blocked = new boolean[DIM][DIM];private static final List<Integer> queens = new ArrayList<>();private static final boolean[] chosen = new boolean[DIM];
from itertools import permutationsDIM = 8blocked = [[False] * DIM for _ in range(DIM)]for r in range(DIM):row = input()for c in range(DIM):blocked[r][c] = row[c] == "*"
Using Backtracking
According to CPH:
A backtracking algorithm begins with an empty solution and extends the solution step by step. The search recursively goes through all different ways how a solution can be constructed.
Since the bounds are small, we can recursively backtrack over all ways to place the queens, storing the current state of the board.
At each level, we try to place a queen at all squares that aren't blocked or attacked by other queens. After this, we recurse, then remove this queen and backtrack.
Finally, we increment the answer when we've placed all eight queens.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int DIM = 8;vector<vector<bool>> blocked(DIM, vector<bool>(DIM));vector<bool> rows_taken(DIM);// Indicators for diagonals that go from the bottom left to the top rightvector<bool> diag1(DIM * 2 - 1);// Indicators for diagonals that go from the bottom right to the top left
import*;public class ChessboardQueens {private static final int DIM = 8;private static boolean[][] blocked = new boolean[DIM][DIM];private static final boolean[] rowsTaken = new boolean[DIM];// Indicators for diagonals that go from the bottom left to the top rightprivate static final boolean[] diag1 = new boolean[DIM * 2 - 1];
DIM = 8blocked = [[False for _ in range(DIM)] for _ in range(DIM)]for r in range(DIM):row = input()for c in range(DIM):blocked[r][c] = row[c] == "*"rows_taken = [False] * DIM# Indicators for diagonals that go from the bottom left to the top right
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | ||
Bronze | Normal | Show TagsComplete Search, Recursion, Subsets | ||||
Bronze | Normal | Show TagsComplete Search, Permutation, Recursion | ||||
Bronze | Normal | Show TagsComplete Search, Recursion | ||||
CCC | Normal | Show TagsComplete Search, Permutation | ||||
CF | Hard | Show TagsComplete Search, Permutation, Subsets |
You can find more problems at the CP2 link given above or at USACO Training. However, these sorts of problems appear much less frequently than they once did.
For what size of could we expect a solution that runs through all of the subsets of an array of length under reasonable time constraints?
For what size of could we expect a solution that runs through all of the subsets of an array of length under reasonable time constraints?
What is the time complexity of the following code?
vector<int> perm(n);iota(begin(perm), end(perm), 1);do {} while (next_permutation(begin(perm), end(perm)));
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