Minimum Cut
Author: Benjamin Qi
The resources below include many clever applications of min cut, including the Closure Problem.
Resources | |||||
CPC | Slides from "Algorithm Design." Min-Cut Max-Flow Theorem, applications of flow / min cut. |
Minimum Node Covers
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
Resources | |||||
CPH | brief mentions of Hall's Theorem, Konig's Theorem |
Solution - Coin Grid
This problem asks us to find a minimum node cover of a bipartite graph. Construct a flow graph with vertices labeled , source , sink , and the following edges:
- Edges from with capacity for each . Cutting the -th such edge corresponds to choosing the -th row.
- Edges from with capacity for each . Cutting the -th such edge corresponds to choosing the -th column.
- If there exists a coin in add an edge from with capacity .
First we find a max flow, which tells us the number of edges with capacity 1 we
need to cut. To find the min cut itself, BFS from the source once more time.
Edges connecting vertices that are reachable from the source
(lev[a] != -1
) to vertices that aren't (lev[b] == -1
) are part of the
minimum cut. In this case, each of these edges must be of the form or
for . Each cut edge corresponds to a row or column we
remove coins from.
Note that edges of the form can't be cut because they have capacity .
struct Dinic { // flow templateusing F = ll; // flow typestruct Edge {int to;F flo, cap;};int N;V<Edge> eds;V<vi> adj;void init(int _N) {
Minimum Path Covers
Focus Problem – try your best to solve this problem before continuing!
Resources | |||||
CPH | brief mentions of node-disjoint and general path covers, Dilworth's theorem | ||||
Wikipedia | proof via Konig's theorem |
Solution - The Wrath of Kahn
Ignore all vertices of that can never be part of . Then our goal is to find the size of a maximum antichain in the remaining graph, which as mentioned in CPH is just an instance of maximum path cover.
TopoSort<500> T;int n, m;bool link[500][500];vi out[500];Dinic<1005> D;int main() {setIO();re(n, m);F0R(i, m) {
Status | Source | Problem Name | Difficulty | Tags | ||
CSES | Easy | |||||
Old Gold | Easy | Show TagsMax Flow | ||||
CSA | Normal | |||||
CF | Normal | |||||
CF | Normal | |||||
CF | Hard | |||||
AC | Hard | |||||
FHC | Hard |
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